Airline Statistics

Overall Statistics

Total Pilots: 15
Total Hours: 26,736
Total PIREP's: 11,577
Total Miles: 9,918,324 nm
Total Fuel: 272,828,900 kgs

Recent Statistics

This WeekThis MonthLast Month
PIREP's: 0 0 0
Miles (nm): 0 0 0
Fuel (kg): 0 0 0
Hours: 0.00 0.00 0.00

Flights by Pilot: This Month


Flights by Aircraft: Turbo-Props

Flights by Aircraft: Jets

Airframe Champions

The top 10 pilots by number of flights across all our most popular airframes

Steve Drake169
Murray Pilmer136
Dean Stringer103
Mike Bell73
Kevin Mitchell71
Ran Mayron45
Valeriy Koksharoff40
Nick Roberts38
Jeff Fenton31
Ian White24
Valeriy Koksharoff57
Murray Pilmer51
Jeff Fenton45
Jamie Marshall21
Steve Drake20
Mark Richards18
Nick Roberts17
Ran Mayron16
Stuart Sutton-Young12
Kevin Mitchell6
Murray Pilmer277
Steve Drake258
Mike Bell124
Kevin Mitchell109
Dean Stringer97
Jeff Fenton84
Mark Richards62
Valeriy Koksharoff58
Jamie Marshall27
Ran Mayron21
Mike Bell83
Murray Pilmer46
Jeff Fenton38
Kevin Mitchell27
Steve Drake13
Jamie Marshall8
Mark Richards1
Valeriy Koksharoff1
Jack Semenoff413
Murray Pilmer144
Jeff Fenton88
Dean Stringer28
Kevin Mitchell27
Steve Drake18
Jamie Marshall7
Mike Bell6
Valeriy Koksharoff4
Mark Richards3
Murray Pilmer135
Jack Semenoff131
Kevin Mitchell28
Jeff Fenton20
Dean Stringer4
Mark Richards2
Jamie Marshall1
Mike Bell1
Steve Drake1

Retired Airframes

Dean Stringer6
Jamie Marshall2
Ian White1
Valeriy Koksharoff166
Dean Stringer115
Murray Pilmer109
Kevin Mitchell88
Ian White61
Ran Mayron49
Stuart Sutton-Young48
Steve Drake42
Mark Richards39
Jeff Fenton35
Dean Stringer136
Murray Pilmer90
Steve Drake80
Kevin Mitchell70
Jeff Fenton68
Valeriy Koksharoff66
Jeff Smith19
Ran Mayron12
Nick Roberts10
Mark Richards7
Murray Pilmer95
Jeff Fenton81
Valeriy Koksharoff57
Kevin Mitchell52
Dean Stringer45
Steve Drake5
Jeff Smith4
Mark Richards3
Jamie Marshall2
Jeff Smith117
Kevin Mitchell5
Mark Richards5
Jamie Marshall2
Dean Stringer1
Murray Pilmer1

NZVA All Stars

Top 15 individual pilot flight counts and hours totals of all time across any airframe
note: the hours column includes time carried over by members of the previous NZVA site. The flights column does not

Flights logged
Murray Pilmer1,215
Steve Drake608
Dean Stringer573
Kevin Mitchell572
Jack Semenoff546
Jeff Fenton504
Valeriy Koksharoff453
Mike Bell304
Mark Richards152
Ran Mayron149
Hours logged
Jack Semenoff3,881
Murray Pilmer3,801
Jeff Fenton1,989
Kevin Mitchell1,819
Mike Bell1,167
Jeff Smith1,065
Dean Stringer1,036
Steve Drake904
Valeriy Koksharoff851
Jamie Marshall302

Destination Demons

Pilots who've flown to the most domestic and international destinations as currently scheduled.
indicates has flown to EVERY destination available





Top Rookie Pilots

The top-10 new hires rated by flights in the turbo-props (this list only includes pilots pilots up to and including the rank of Senior Second Officer)

Nick Roberts38
Stuart Sutton-Young4
Nick Roberts17
Stuart Sutton-Young12